
"Solid Gold Sugar"

This post is going WAY OUT there. But hey- Thats what Marc and I are when it comes to music. Don't expect any one blog to set the tone. Just when you think you will have us pinned down BAM!: Melissa Manchester may make another appearance. Consider it a warning my friends.


When I was young, Solid Gold ruled my weekends. The top pop hits. Gold Lame' tights on all the dancers. Marilyn McCoo (and later Dion Warwick!!! AHHH!) What more could a blossoming gay boy in suburbia need?

So it is with GREAT PLEASURE that I inaugurate this blog with a STELLAR performance by Melissa Manchester. This song won her a Grammy for Best Female Vocalist Performance in 1982. I still love this song today. Seriously, one of these pop-tarts out there now should be covering some of this.....

Now you know the origin of Morrissey's retort;
"Oh Manchester, so much to answer for !!!"


Anonymous said...

i was just doing a search on google for Melissa and this came up she is great my mom used to listen to her when I was young

Shannon M DuVall said...

Here vest is sooo NOW so WOW. It's like looking into the fashion FUTURE!!
She is SOO on TIME!

Anonymous said...

Holy jesus. I didn't know she sang that song. I used to ROCK out to that song with my grandma.

Chad C. said...

Grandma knew what was up.