
Guilty Pleasures: The NOW Edition

Our "Guilty Pleasures" entires will probably be the MOST FUN we will have on this blog. You have stumbled upon some people with some serious musical diversity.I mean look at what this blog has already: Melissa Manchester and Front 242. I dare you to find that kind of hot match anywhere on the web. You won't. I promise you.

So for this edition I turn to the here and now.

It's Britney, Bitch.

Britney has dropped her "real comeback", and I love it. It's a campy electro purr-fest in which Ms. Thang calls out a HOT "WOMANIZER". I'm loving the song. Now lets talk about the video. Brit-Brit sure knows who is paying her bills. The gay boys are. And she caught this one hook, line, and sinker. The video has everything we want from Britney. A 110% better B (naked, no less), a hot boy, and some campy dancing. Check,Check and CHECK!

Nice to have you back girl.

Next for me? I'll be back on my New Wave bandwagon, I promise. But I heart the ladies. Melissa and Britney brought the heat. I had to salute.

Mark, Jamie-- over to you......

1 comment:

m000se said...

I have to say, this song is love/hate for me. While its so trite it makes Gimme More sound like a Dylan song, I simply cannot get it out of my head...for like a week now.